- FANCL Makeup Simulator
- AR makeup simulator provided at FANCL GINZA SQUARE.
URL | https://www.fancl.jp/ginza-square/beauty/counselling.html |
Period | 2020/08/07- |
Tech | Cosmetics simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Photo Tune Plus
- Sky Technology Services Pty Ltd
- Android app of facial simulator using makeup, hair style, aging
URL | https://phototuneplus.com/ |
Period | 2020/06/25- |
Tech | Cosmetics simulator, MP Aging |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Future Station - Avatar Maker
- Total Media Development Institute
The Railway Museum new building - Amusement system in Future Station of the Railway Museum, which generates full3D cartoon avatar from visitor's photo
URL | http://www.railway-museum.jp/map/2f.html#miraistation |
Period | 2018/07/05- |
Tech | MP Nigaoe, MP Full3D |
App | Industry Solutions |

- ISEHAN "BIMAYU LABO by Heavy Rotation"
- ISEHAN Co., Ltd.
- Online service that selects from a picture which eyebrow makeup is the best for the user’s face and synthesizes it onto the user’s face.
URL | - |
Period | 2018/02/01- |
Tech | Cosmetics simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- KHI International Robot Exhibition
- Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
- The exhibition that a robot draws anime style portrait generated from user's face
URL | - |
Period | 2017/11/29-12/02 |
Tech | MP Nigaoe |
App | Industry Solutions |

- BicCamera Contact Lens
- BicCamera Inc.
- Color contact lens simulator on iPad, used at BicCamera stores
URL | - |
Period | 2017/11/01- |
Tech | Virtual Try-on for glasses, contact lenses |
App | Industry Solutions |

- GREE Welcome to Panic Mansion VR
- VR game attraction for multiple users, using 3D models generated from your and your friend's faces
URL | http://vr.gree.net/ja/products/adores-panicmansion/ |
Period | 2017/10/16- |
Tech | MP Animation, MP Full3D |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- LOTTE Coolish Campaign
- LOTTE Co., Ltd.
- Web campaign that synthesized user's face onto Coolish dancers and play the interactive dancing.
URL | https://coolism.jp/ |
Period | 2017/06/28-08/31 |
Tech | MP Animation, MP Full3D |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- LOTTE Coolish Campaign
- LOTTE Co., Ltd.
- Web campaign that synthesized user's face onto Coolish dancers.
URL | - |
Period | 2016/06/28-08/31 |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- "Gogo no Kocha" Web Campaign
- Kirin Co., Ltd.
- Web campaign that synthesized user's face onto the Anna Maria character.
URL | - |
Period | 2016/05/05-06/30 |
Tech | MP Makeover |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Virtual Select System
- Glasses virtual try-on web application, used at shops and for direct sales.
URL | http://www.tokyomegane.co.jp/ |
Period | 2016/03/15- |
Tech | Glasses, Contact Lenses |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Unilever Japan
- PC application which synthesized user's photo into a movie of a fashion show.
URL | - |
Period | 2016/06/28-08/31 |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- e-ha compact
- MEDINET Co., Ltd.
- A tool for dental hygienists, which shows how a user would look at 80 years old with or without teeth.
URL | - |
Period | 2015/11/02- |
Tech | Other simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Smile ANA Campaign
- ANA Singapore
- Campaign site to earn smile points by uploading photos of the user smiling.
URL | - |
Period | 2015/10/29- |
Tech | MP Face Analyzer |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Scalp Dryer Campaign
- Campaign site to request hair-care holiday, with user's face synthesized onto a bald model.
URL | - |
Period | 2015/10/20- |
Tech | MP Makeover |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Aderans 3D Hairstyle Simulation
- Aderans Co., Ltd.
- Website for virtual try-on of popular hairstyles.
URL | http://www.aderans.co.jp/kamilabo/ |
Period | 2015/08/21- |
Tech | Hairstyle simulator |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Eyecity Contact Lens Virtual Try-on Simulator
- HOYA Corporation
- Virtual try-on simulator on iPad, for Eyecity contact lens stores.
URL | http://www.eyecity.jp/product/color_circle/simulator/ |
Period | 2015/08- |
Tech | Virtual Try-on for glasses, contact lenses |
App | Industry Solutions |

- You are the hero of the story! A game where you play a 3D animated character that has your own face.
URL | - |
Period | 2015/04- |
Tech | MP Full3D |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Aderans Wig Simulator
- Aderans Co., Ltd.
- A wig simulation app for Aderans's sales services.
URL | http://pdf.irpocket.com/C8170/QPg3/otx9/qCZd.pdf |
Period | 2015/03- |
Tech | Hairstyle simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Shabe-gao Ou-en Message
- Glico Dairy Products Co., Ltd.
- Web application. Make a message movie with a speaking face photo.
URL | http://web.cafe-ole.jp/info/special/message/ |
Period | 2014/12-2015/03 |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Mirai-e-Shigoto
- Nikken Sogyo Co., Ltd.
- Web application. Receive a message from your future self at work.
URL | - |
Period | 2014/11-12 |
Tech | MP Aging |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- KOSÉ MakeSimulator
- KOSÉ Corporation
- Cosmetics simulator on iPad. Used as cosmetics store sales tool.
URL | hhttp://www.cosmedecorte.com/ |
Period | 2014/4- |
Tech | Cosmetics simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Ore Da Ore Da Ore Da
- Game App. Generates a huge number of faces.
URL | - |
Period | 2014/9- |
Tech | |
App |

- Oasis Bronze Statue Factory
- Calpis Co., Ltd.
- Create your own bronze statue using a 3D printer.
URL | - |
Period | 2014/4- |
Tech | MP Full3D, 3D Printing |
App | Technical Collaboration |

- New VOXY campaign
- Create a brochure featuring your face.
URL | - |
Period | 2014/1- |
Tech | MP Makeover |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Virtual try-on Contact Lens
- Bausch + Lomb Japan Co., Ltd.
- Virtual try-on for contact lens, on the web.
URL | - |
Period | 2013/12- |
Tech | Simulators for glasses, contact lenses |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Aging simulator for COSME DECORTE
- KOSÉ Corporation/dd>
- App on iPad. Aging simulator for COSME DECORTE.
URL | http://www.cosmedecorte.com/ |
Period | 2013/9-2013/12 |
Tech | MP Aging |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Merrill EDGE
- Bank of America Corporation
- Pension website with simulator for how one would look at retirement.
URL | - |
Period | 2013/11- |
Tech | MP Aging |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- GhostCall DX
- MediaActive.Inc
- Child-rearing Support App "Ghost Call"
URL | - |
Period | 2013/10- |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- FaceTV for Kakao
- Acrodea Korea, Inc.
- Become a TV star!
URL | - |
Period | 2013/06- |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- docomo Healthcare iBodymo
- docomo Healthcare, Inc.
- You can generate a likeness cartoon avater only from a photo.
URL | - |
Period | 2013/03- |
Tech | MP Nigaoe |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Make-up app
URL | - |
Period | 2013/07- |
Tech | Cosmetics simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Okay Man
- Procter & Gamble
- You are transformed into many characters on the campaign website
URL | - |
Period | 2013/11- |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- 3D Pal
- Indoirish Software Solutions (Ireland) Limited
- Your own avatar will answer your questions, Siri on Android
URL | - |
Period | 2013/12- |
Tech | Digital signage, Avatar |
App | Technical Collaboration |

- Amusement attraction in NamjaTown
- Fight off a zombie attack in Namco Namja Town!
URL | - |
Period | 2013/07- |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- SoftBank HealthCare
- SoftBank Corp.
- A healthcare service that tracks and displays physical condition based on data collected on the amount of daily activity using a wireless wristband.
URL | - |
Period | 2013/07- |
Tech | MP Aging |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Face Sing
- Tomy Company, Ltd.
- Dancing face stand / singing music player for iPhone.
URL | - |
Period | 2013/06- |
Tech | MP Makeover |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Sokenbicha Pu-Ha Song
- Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, Limited
- Sing your original lyrics along to the Pu-Ha commercial jingle on Facebook.
URL | - |
Period | 2013/06- |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- smartpetDX
- Bandai Co., Ltd.
- Turn your photo into a talking 3D pet!
URL | - |
Period | 2013/05- |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Your Pet Talks?!
- Facebook app. Create a short movie using a photo of your pet.
URL | - |
Period | 2013/05- |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Be an "AneCan" Cover Model!
- Shiseido Company, Ltd.
- Experience Shiseido's Benefique eye makeup.
URL | - |
Period | 2013/02- |
Tech | MP Makeover |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Contact Lens Simulation
- Johnson & Johnson
- Virtual try-on for "1-DAY ACUVUE DEFINE".
URL | - |
Period | 2013/02- |
Tech | Simulator for glasses, contact lenses |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Newscasters for smart TV
- gui.de
- MotionPortrait was adopted for newscasters on gui.de's smart TV.
URL | - |
Period | 2013/02- |
Tech | Digital signage, Avatar |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- CASIO Signage
- CASIO Signage uses MotionPortrait Technology.
URL | http://www.casio-signage.com/ja/ |
Period | 2013/02- |
Tech | Digital Signage, Avatar |
App | Technical Collaboration |

- Narikiri Happy Movie
- P&G
- Become the main character in happy movies.
URL | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpKr3uzE6MA |
Period | 2012/10-2012/12/31 |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- "Megane Muite Hoi!" and "Salon de Megane!"
- JINS Inc.
- JINS, a leading eyewear maker in Japan, uses MotionPortrait in their JINS ONLINE SHOP.
URL | - |
Period | 2012/03- |
Tech | Simulators for glasses, contact lenses/td> |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- "GO AUDITION" Co-star in a CM with Hiromi Go!
- NewGin CO., Ltd.
- Create an original commercial that you appear in with Hiromi Go!
URL | - |
Period | 2012/03/27- |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- "My child is the main character." Co-star in a CM with Chisato Moritaka!
- Panasonic Corporation
- Create an original commercial featuring your child and Chisato Moritaka!
URL | - |
Period | 2012/03- |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Singing Telegram
- Western Union Company
- Create a video of you performing with your favorite artist to share with family and friends.
URL | - |
Period | 2011/12- |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- "Kafun no Yaro!" Grand Prix
- SSP Co. Ltd.
- Look in to the "Pollen Face Mirror" to see what your face looks like with hay fever.
URL | - |
Period | 2012/1/11~3/31 |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Transform☆Home-gami Dresser
- Kao Corporation
- A hairdo simulator that lets you try the hairstyle you want (for PC, iPhone, and Android).
URL | - |
Period | 2011/11/8 |
Tech | Hairstyle simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Masa-Colle
- Proctor & Gamble Japan
- An ad campaign that allowed users to transform into a variety of "cool styles".
URL | - |
Period | 2011/10/31~12/31 |
Tech | Apparel simulator |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- ImeCorde
- Bi-Bi-Bi.com Co., Ltd.
- A simulation site that allows you to try trendy hairstyles by just sending an image from your phone.
URL | - |
Period | 2011/8- |
Tech | Hairstyle simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Mystery-Solving Battle TORE
- Nippon Television Network Corporation
- MotionPortrait technology is adopted for use on the TV Program "Nazotoki Battle TORE".
URL | http://www.ntv.co.jp/tore/ |
Period | Every Monday 19:00- |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- True Blood
- A Facebook campaign in which you can morph into Dracula and make dramatic narrations.
URL | - |
Period | 2011/12/11~12/31 |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- English Teaching Robot
- MotionPortrait technology is used for the face of the National Institute of Science and Technology of Korea's English-teaching robot.
URL | - |
Period | 2010/12/- |
Tech | Digital signage, Avatar |
App | Technical Collaboration |

- Cadbury Japan Ltd.
- Perform in a "kiss drama".
URL | - |
Period | 2010/8/21- |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Stride
- Nihon Kraft Foods, Ltd.
- Transform into a gum-chewing monkey!
URL | - |
Period | 2010 |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Georgia Emerald Mountain Blend Advance
- Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, Limited
- Appear in the TV commercial "Messenger from the Future" for Georgia Emerald Mountain Blend Advance Coffee.
URL | - |
Period | 2010 |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Coca-Cola Zero CM Generator
- Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, Limited
- Make an original commercial that you appear in!
URL | - |
Period | 2009/10/5- |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Virtual try-on
- Virtual try-on
URL | - |
Period | 2010 |
Tech | Apparel simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Shiseido Company, Ltd.
- Make an original commercial that you appear in!
URL | - |
Period | 2009/8/27- |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |
2009 Davey Awards Gold Winner(Consumer Prodacts)
2009 Davey Awards Silver Winner(Consumer Prodacts)
2010 W3 Awards Silver Winner(Beauty and Cosmetics)
2010 W3 Awards Silver Winner(Beauty and Cosmetics)
2010 W3 Awards Silver Winner(Consumer Goods)
14th ANNUAL WEBBY AWARDS(Beauty and Cosmetics)

- Intel Sponsors of Tomorrow(TM) presents Tomorrow's Stars, Today
- Intel Corporation
- Transform into a star of tomorrow!
URL | - |
Period | 2009/7- |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Intel Make your holiday sing
- Intel Corporation
- Send greeting cards that sing!
URL | - |
Period | |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Kiss My AXE ? Become a rockstar with AXE
- Unilever
- Perform like a Rock Star!
URL | - |
Period | 2009/3- |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Kyushu Electric Power Co. Inc.
- Make an original PV starring you.
URL | - |
Period | 2008/11/8- |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- D-program "Skin Check"
- Shiseido Company, Ltd.
- See how you would look if you take skin care advice!
URL | - |
Period | 2008/10/21- |
Tech | Cosmetic simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |
Cannes Advertising Festival 2009 - Silver Award

- Go Happy! Campaign
- Ring Net
- Clothing simulation.
URL | - |
Period | 2008/9- |
Tech | Apparel simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Higechen Project
- Schick Japan Co. Ltd.
- Beard simulation with one thousand choices.
URL | - |
Period | 2008/1-2008/9 |
Tech | Hairstyle simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- REC YOU Campaign
- Sony Corporation
- Sing in a big chorus with MotionPortrait.
URL | - |
Period | 2007/10-2008/3 |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |
Cannes Advertising Festival 2008 - Gold Award

- Han Gao Campaign
- NHN Japan Co. Ltd.
- Make faces out of various things.
URL | - |
Period | 2008/7/14-9/30 |
Tech | MP Animation |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Moba-TV Campaign
- Sony Music Entertainment Japan Inc.
- Create a custom PV with your own performance.
URL | - |
Period | 2008/4/23-2008/7/31 |
Tech | MP Movie |
App | Solutions for Advertisers |

- Virtual Glasses
- 3D eyeglasses try-on simulator.
URL | http://www.meganesuper.co.jp/ |
Period | 2009/8/6- |
Tech | Simulators for glasses, contact lenses/td> |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Hair-Try
- Aderans Co., Ltd.
- 3D simulator for hair loss treatment.
URL | http://hairtry.jp |
Period | 2008/10- |
Tech | Hairstyle simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- EZ My Styling
- KDDI Corporation
- Hair simulation with face synthesis technology.
URL | http://www.ezmysta.jp |
Period | 2008/6/26- |
Tech | Hairstyle simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Hair Start: Takarajimasha
- So-net Entertainment Corporation
- Hair simulation with face synthesis technology
URL | - |
Period | 2008/5/12- |
Tech | Hairstyle simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Virtual Preview
- Henkel Japan Ltd. (Schwarzkopf)
- Hairstyle constulation with quick preview
URL | - |
Period | 2009/2/23- |
Tech | Hairstyle simulator |
App | Industry Solutions |

- Avatar Inquiry Form
- GMO Management Hosting Inc.
- Inquiry form with the guidance of an avatar
URL | - |
Period | 2008/9- |
Tech | Digital signage, Avatar |
App | Technical Collaboration |

- Consulting Desk
- Link Inc.
- Interactive online front desk
URL | http://www.at-link.ad.jp/ |
Period | 2009/2- |
Tech | Digital signage, Avatar |
App | Technical Collaboration |